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Some how it has been a year since the grand opening of the gym! It was a huge achievement to get to that point, a lot of hard work, grafting and fundraising over a number of years but it happened.
Now we are happy to say Spelthorne Gymnastics club is now bigger and more successful than ever, and we are loving our new home. We have had an incredible year, so many success stories, titles to add to our names, new additions to the club in gymnasts, coaches and volunteers and we have made a lot of memories.
We have hosted our first Christmas displays, acrobatic cups, holiday camps, club champs and many other competitions. We have had many new members join our club and add to the medal tally but also many gymnasts who have been with us a number of years bringing continued success. National and international comps were in abundance this past year, in particular the World Champs.. we had a record number of partnerships attend and a huge amount of medals and titles in return including the title of WORLD CHAMPIONS!
New classes has also let our club expand, with the addition of more general gymnast classes, and the special needs classes we are bringing together more of the community. Not only the success of the club but the community spirit and education of our sport is something Spelthorne is very proud of. We have come along way this past year, but this is only the beginning… it is clear to see that this incredible establishment has contributed to our success so we are looking forward to the future.
Here are a few throwbacks over the past year…